CARE International
CARICOM (CARIbbean COMmunity - Georgetown, Guyana)
CBD (Biodiversity Convention of UNEP - Montreal)
CBSS (Council of the Baltic Sea States, Stockholm)
CDB (Caribbean Development Bank, St. Michael, Barbados)
CdT (Translation Center for the bodies of the European Union - Kirchberg, Luxembourg)
CDT (Center for Democracy and Technology - NGO - Washington)
CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank - Paris)
CE Call for Detached National Experts (in Italian) and Temporary Agents (in Italian)
CEDEFOP (European Center for the Development of Vocational Training -Thessalonica)
CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics - Geneva)
CES (European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels)
CFC (Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam)
CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research, Washington, USA)
CI (Conservation International a Non-profit NGO - Washington)
CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical - Cali, Colombia)
CIDA (Canadian International Development agency - Canada)
CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research - Bogor, Indonesia)
CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo - Mexico)
CIP (Centro Internacional de la Papa - Lima, Peru)
CITES/UNEP (Convention for the International Trade of Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora)
COE (Council of Europe - Strasbourg)
Council of the European Union Secretariat - Brussels
Court of Justice of the European Communities -Luxembourg
Commonwealth Secretariat - London
CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service)
CPVO (Community Plant Variation Office - Angers, France)
CTA (Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation - Wageningen, Netherlands)
CTBTO (Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty - Vienna)
CWIS (Center for World Indigenous Studies -Olympia WA, USA)